Sunday, November 15, 2015

Barn Hangout!

What is more fun than an impromptu Barn Hangout? NOTHING! What IS a barn hangout? It's when friends from barns gone by all get together and visit! Some early morning Saturday texting led to a visit to Westhaven by my friend Sarah, and former Ellie trainer, Emma!

Sarah has Finn just down the street and Emma had the chance to catch them rocking their morning lesson, and then they both headed over for my 11am on Ellie! Naturally I was like the prerequisite to watching is also obliging to take video- hence the below.

Afterwards we grabbed some Mexican, cocktails, and, of course, gossip. Nothing better!


  1. Look at those big jumps, way to go!!! And yes barn friend hangouts are the best!

  2. ooooh i love the video!! and hanging out with barn friends ;)

  3. Gossip and cocktails go together like peas and carrots!
